Thursday, August 17, 2006


Yesterday (Wednesday), I went to watch this movie called CLICK at TGV Jusco, Seremban. It starred Adam Sandler, as the main actor with Kate Beckinsale.
It was a good movie (rating 5 out of 5) and the joke was totally exciting and funny. I have discovered some funny and good things about this movie.

The funny things were this sentenced:-

1) Britney Spears has given birth to her 23rd child and her husband, Kevin Federline will look for a job now.

2) Michael Jackson was the first man to clone himself and right now are suing his clone due to he is molesting him.

And the good lesson I learned:-

1) Family First, Work later

2) Honeymoon First

So, for those who haven’t watched this movie, please do so because it is better than THE DA VINCI CODE.

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